
Vessels Survey – eCMID

IMCA eCMID survey. Vessels surveyed since accreditation AVI number 297 - AVI n°297 REQUEST FURTHER INFORMATION ...

Mooring for LPG – Baie des Dames_Nouméa

Design and realise a mooring for LPG - Baie des Dames. Maritime part for the two lines of anchorage on ...

Draft surveys – Bénin

Draft Surveys audit for Bénin Control. The aim of this audit is to propose best practices in order to enhance ...

Pollution – Wreckage of the vessel GRANDE AMERICA in the bay of Biscay- Navigau Consulting is concerned

Navigau Consulting work with  journalists from FRANCE télévisions. Could this fire be stopped ?  Was this vessel a dangerous one ...

Shipping and Fishing risks study for the EFGL wind farm (LEUCATE Mediterranean sea)

This study prepares the Burial Assessment. Definition of Fishing & Shipping risks for the to be buried cables. Working for ...

CheckNews 8 février 2019 – Maritime pollution

Navigau Consulting participates in fact checking. A photo went viral on social media showing what they pretended was a voluntary ...

Neptune Blue Growth Accelerator

Navigau Consulting participates to the European NEPTUNE project through the demonstrator Dabbie.Dabbie is embedded in the project NEPTUNE.Navigau Consulting is ...

ISM/ISPS Internal audit

Internal ISM/ISPS audit of a cargo vessel 80 000DWT - MV Golden Endurer - IMO 9481465 Audit in La Rochelle, ...

Hasards de mer – A book published at BALLAND publisher

Les récits des huit Officiers du Grand Large, dont le Commandant Raymond GAUVAIN fait partie, ont été publiés dans un ...

Draft survey of a cargo vessel

Draft survey for loading  4 000 tonnes of cement in Le Havre France. Opération courante de vérification du chargement d'un ...